In the fitness community, fall acts as a second New Year. It signifies a time to get back on track and focus on your personal fitness goals. This time of year is defined by cooler weather and settling back into our fitness routine.
So how many times a week should you work out? 2-3 as a good place to start, with a gradual increase if your schedule and body allows. Remember, you’re lapping everyone on the couch, no matter how slow you’re going! Don’t forget to take much-needed rest days that allow your body to repair itself. Here are the benefits to you reap from working out several times a week.
Regularly working out can help you improve your mood, memory and overall health.
Following an exercise schedule will help you lose weight, build muscle and strengthen your bones.
Finally working out will help you have quality rest and increase energy levels.
Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Sticking to your training schedule can be tough, here are some tips to keep you on track!
1. Rely on dedication, not motivation:
If you simply rely on motivation, you’ll rarely be hitting the gym. Motivation is hard to come by. Good news, you can replace that motivation with dedication. Staying dedicated to your goals and your health will allow you to stick to your routine!
2. Do it for yourself:
You’re much more likely to stick with a fitness routine if you are doing it for yourself! If you want any lifestyle change to be permanent, your commitment must come from within! Otherwise, the chances you’ll fight to maintain it are slim.
3. Workout in the morning:
Working out in the morning can be a game changer for people with busy schedules. Motivation can be low after a long and laborious day of work. Carving out some “me time” first thing in the morning allows you to stick to your schedule without external factors getting in the way!
4. Bring a friend:
A friend will motivate you and hold you accountable! Another bonus? It makes it fun! A busy schedule leaves little time to connect with friends, kill two birds with one stone by committing to a fitness schedule with a friend.
5. Attend a class:
Singing up for a class might be the catalyst you need. Classes are fun, interactive and will often hold you accountable for your attendance! If you’re struggling to get to the gym, consider trying a class setting.
6. Proper nutrition:
Feeding your mind and muscles with proper nutrition will help you feel strong and energized. Fuel your body with lots of fruit, vegetables, grains and protein. Proper nutrition will also help you achieve your overall fitness goals.
7. Get enough sleep:
Sticking to your schedule will be much easier if your body is well rested. It is recommended that you get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you’re exhausted, the chances of you getting to the gym are low.
8. Make it a lifestyle:
Don’t treat your fitness routine as a short-term fix. Focus on creating a lifestyle change that is sustainable. Create small changes that you can maintain. Remember, it takes 66 days to create a habit. Don’t give up!
9. Create a killer playlist:
Nothing can pump you up like a killer playlist. Get in the mood to work out by turning on some of your favourite tunes. Create a dedicated playlist that will signal your body that it is time to get your sweat on.
What are some of the ways you stick to your fitness routine?